Oaks Christian Online Learning Academy homeschool academy

Theological Engagement

A Dedicated Virtual Christian School

Our mission statement at Oaks Christian Online begins with a reverent call “to dedicate ourselves to Christ.” Our virtual Christian school designs our online courses to exhibit theological engagement that enhances rather than jeopardizes the academic freedom of our educational institution. Whether a student is taking algebra, American history or biology, we offer opportunities to explore the broader truths and meanings behind, beside, and beneath what they are learning. We demonstrate that every subject they are studying emerges from the mind of the compassionate, generous, and living Triune God described in the Bible, providing opportunities for students to think, grow, and process through four types of theological engagement: 

Humble Excellence

See the pursuit of knowledge through Christ’s lens of humility, as the one who emptied himself and became a servant and let love lead his teachings. (Philippians 2:5-7)

Thoughtful Self - Critique
Learning is grounded in personal discovery and a willingness to explore and risk intellectual and spiritual vulnerability in order to gain truth and wisdom. (Hebrews 4:12; Psalm 139; II Timothy 3:16)
Sincerity in Empathy
We see all intellectual pursuits, guided by the Holy Spirit, as expressions of Christ’s command to love God and love our neighbor as ourselves. (Philippians 4:8; John 14:26)
Imaginative Creativity
We delight in all true and good things so that students can see that what they are learning can fuel the creativity and joy that comes from the Creator. (Genesis 1:27)